But what better material for the second (and likely last) instalment of the St. Patty's day craft series? Fruit loop rainbows it is! This craft was so perfect for Matteo's just-5 capabilities. He did every part of this one, which was very cool. This one offered many opportunities for practicing those fine motor skills, which really aren't his bag. And he felt pretty proud of himself.

We began by sorting the colours. This would have been a great task for Elio, and his 2 year old abilities. Except for one thing. He kept eating the craft supplies. So we gave him a bowl of his own to eat. "CHEEEEEEEESE!". By the by, the bandaid situation on his face is not as spectacular as it looks.
Next I drew out a rainbow in pencil on construction paper. I feel the need to vent about how construction paper is not what it once was. it is wimpy in colour, and really flimsy. We had to mount it on scrap booking paper to ensure it would stand up to the saturation of white glue.
Next, a popsicle stick and school glue, and away we went, pasting the fruit loops on the line to make a rainbow. I was amazed when I asked Matteo if he knew what order the rainbow colours went in, and he promptly spouted out "Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet". Apparently Sid the Science Kid does sink in.
I was also thrilled that we seem to be developing.... an attention span! This is so cool. Matteo lasted the whole length of the craft, and it took him a good half hour. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Elio, on the other hand, enjoyed two bowls of dry fruit loops while watching me make a fruit loop rainbow. Once in a while he'd hold the popsicle stick, dip it in glue and drip it across the floor.
We added cotton ball clouds and .... Ta-DAH!!!!! A very proud 5 year old indeed!
Hope you are finding fun things to keep you busy.
Happy trails!
Yeah, now that is cool.