So it is no surprise that St. Patrick's day is a holiday I can really get behind. As soon as March rolls around, my classroom is decked out with leprechauns and shamrocks and pots of gold- not to mention cheesy, stereotypical sayings like "Top O' the Mornin' To You!". It's such fun, and the kids love it. I remember adds for McDonald's Shamrock Shakes on TV. The town I grew up in didn't have a McDonald's so I was pretty disappointed in university when I discovered that Shamrock Shakes are, indeed, disgusting. It was in university that I also discovered green beer is not as delectable as it sounds. But still- green and fun nonetheless.
Turns out the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Matteo loves the Cheiftans. He regularly requests "Irish drinkin' songs" in the car. His favourite song is Whiskey in the Jar. The kid could sing it at 2 and a half. In fact, one day, at church, he sat leafing through the hymnal, when he exclaimed with glee and reckless abandon, "Mum!!! I found Whiskey in the Jar!!" Another proud moment for the Shoemakers. Apparently the old Glory and Praise has come a long way. I will most certainly have explaining to do when he arrives in Kindergarten in September. (He also knows all the words to the Mermaid song by Great Big Sea- if you don't know that one, look it up it is a gooder). And the parent of the year award goes to... Sigh. Parenting at its finest indeed.
I happened upon this website which has great ideas for crafts to do with kids:
There is quite an array of thematic craft and activity ideas for any season. I was thrilled to find a couple with very appropriate preschool skills involved. Tonight we had fun, and remarkable success with their Tissue Paper Stained Glass Shamrock Craft ( I got really excited when I saw it because yes, I have a major love for Mac Tac. You know, Mac Tac- clear contact paper? I discovered this when I was running the summer reading program at my local library. Seriously, best summer job ever. We did day camps more or less, for children ages 4-10 all summer long- read books, played games, did crafts. Super fun. I had a couple awesome partners in crime, but it was my buddy Stephanie and I that mac-tacked EVERYTHING. And I wish I were joking. If it stood still long enough, it was covered in mac-tac. Turns out true love lasts a life time. I still love mac-tac. So this craft was good fun. Plus it was neat and tidy. Check out the link- but here's the Reader's Digest Version:
2) Cut out the outline of a shamrock from construction or scrap-booking paper (do two at once as you need frames for both sides)
3) Cut out squares of green and yellow tissue paper (this was a good one for practicing scissor skills- kept Matteo busy and quiet for a while).
4) Cut out a piece of contact paper large enough to cover the shamrock with a border around it. Smooth one of the shamrock outlines on it flat.
5) Place the tissue paper squares on in over-lapping way- try keep it smooth. Or, if you are 2 years old, by all means grab handfuls of the squares and throw them in the air and all over the floor for your mum to clean while yelling "Fly!!!"
6) Once you're covered, glue the second outline on top of the first to finish the thing. Then place it on a second piece of contact paper to kind of laminate the thing. And cut out!
We did this in the evening, so taking pics of the final product wasn't really possible. At any rate, the kids thought they looked really cool when held up in the light. Easy peasey lemon squeezy... and they actually look good!
Let it be said, I won't get into politics, but if you are a teacher in BC, please know that you are supported. Doing one measly craft with two wee children is enough to make me go bonkers, so those of you faced with classrooms full of the darlings, many with special needs and behavioural issues have my respect and full support. Mush on!!
Happy Trails!
I think you are the Crafting Goddess. I am taking mental notes (though I can't speak to the reliability of said notes) and intend to try some of these things out with my girls.
ReplyDeleteI said that was my intention. Want to come over and do it for me? LOL.
This craft is fantastic and seem not too messy (bonus) !!! So I'm heading out to buy contact paper today! Hoping with all the beautiful coloured leaves out there we can make some place mats, or window hangings!