Wouldn't life be wonderful without all the dailyness? It has rained fish and frogs all week and finally this morning, what could that enormous yellow thing in the sky be?? Sun! And here I am. writing a blog post, procrastinating yet again, from the daily chore I should be doing. Ironing. I would rather be knitting or sewing, or outside cleaning up my yard, but no. It got to be too much. Every time I went into the laundry room, I avoided touching or looking at the leaning tower of ironing, for fear it would finally topple. In the pile: about a million sets of sheets, 5 thousand pairs of pants, 98 tea towels. Sigh. Yes, I'm one of those weirdos who irons pretty much everything. Especially my sheets! Sheets in this house get changed simply because they are too wrinkly again, never mind dirty. I like the way ironed stuff feels. What can I say, I am incredibly type A. I'm a throw back. It is my Italian nonna coming out in me... and no, I don't iron my mutandi (My aunt recently asked me that personal question, so I thought I'd beat you to the punch with the answer). On the upside, I did iron some fabric I bought and pre-shrunk. My next thing on the list is yet another Roman shade. Yes, I did swear up and down, I'd never make another one. But after the disastrous start to my last set (trust me, it is a blog post in and of itself), they turned out well. And looking around Matteo's room, it looks shabby in comparison to Elio's newly painted and shaded "big boy room". I've got some ideas to make things look better in there, so new paint and shades it is. Stay tuned. If all goes well, I may have some step by step photos and how to's this weekend. Back to the ironing board I go...
Happy trails!
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