Sunday, 6 May 2012

Meanwhile back at the farm...

Today it happened... the sun shone, and wouldn't you know it, it felt like spring! Definitely, it was a great day to be outside, so outside we were.

For those of you curious what Renata is up to these days, well, I don't see much of her these days. But all for good reason, this is her busy season. Grow and Gather at Trice Farms is buzzing with activity these days. Every couple of weeks, I've been lucky enough to go out and play for an afternoon and pretend that I work there. What a great change from my norm. The store is full of completely beautiful things and there  is even a new fur-baby, a Bernese Mountain dog (with something else that escapes my memory mixed in there) named Tully. If you are looking for a great way to spend an afternoon, you should most certainly tootle on out there, it is gorgeous and you won't regret it. Plus, there are about a million gorgeous things that you could bring home for your mum for Mother's Day that any mother would be happy to receive. I made it easy for Ethan and bought my presents myself (3 hanging baskets in beautiful cedar boxes, and all the fixings to fill my planter pots for the patio: dark red geraniums (I truly think that geraniums are not worth having unless they are red), some lemon drop chyranthamum-sort of things, bacopa and some other draping silver stuff.

Not convinced you need to drive out there? Here's some incentive:

Fancy schmancy new flags are up (not to be confused with upside down, eh Ren?)

Check out the new cube van... pretty sure that makes life a little easier.

Lots of great gift planters- Muriel Ann is chief master-crafter of these beauties, and she does a fantastic job!

Lots of interesting things to pick from.

 Pansies are definitely my favourite- humble and unassuming little fellows.

Out in the nursery, things are looking nice and full- amazing the difference some leaves make! 

I love these galvanized troughs that they brought in to show case all their water plants.
 Matteo and Elio head directly for the pond section when we arrive, to check on all the "Nemo"s. Ok, no clownfish, but lots of other fun little fishies.

This is the new furball... his name is Tully. And he never jumped or barked even once. Not even at Elio who was his usual loud mouthed self. Even my petrified Matteo liked to pet him. 

Elio loved Tully, and by the looks of things, the feeling was rather mutual.

The nursery out back where hanging baskets live. 

Veggie options are starting to surface too.
 Look what followed me home!
 If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Mama was happy- seriously, look at those plants and that sunshine!
The rest of the afternoon was spent weeding, mowing and planting. It's nice to get dirty. Then, off to ride big boy bikes (WOOT! Matteo is officially on two wheels, still not sure he loves it, but he's doing it nonetheless), play on the playground and get an ice cream at McDonald's. Here's what we learned: Elio is not ready for the play structure at Mickey D's.... he kind of freaked out (read: SCREAMED his head off) and wouldn't come down. Ethan had to go up after him. It was terribly embarrassing. It turns out those things really aren't meant for 32 year old men. Another proud moment for us. 

This is what spring looks like at our house: 

 Garlic is on its way- not as big as I'd like, but hopefully a few more days of sunshine will move it along.

Veggie beds- all planted and ready to go: beets, strawberries, carrots, edamame beans and sugar and snap peas.
 My bleeding heart has decided it is king of the forest and is completely taking over my shade bed, but that's ok, because I love it.

Ok... one bonus shot for you who persevered through this post. Sorry Ren, there's no such thing as free advertising. Here's the Junior Gardener herself... foreshadowing anyone? If she looks less than please, it is likely because my dad made her stand there for about 20 minutes while he crafted the perfect photo (haha! Just kidding Dad...) I know Ren, you hate me... what are sisters for? 

Happy trails!

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